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UNSA: Letnja škola u Milanu – „Rethinking the culture of tolerance“

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Rok prijave 15.06.2018
Radni jezik: engleski

Open to: European and International MA and PhD students
Venue: 17 – 23 September 2018 Milan, Italy

The fifth edition of the School will take place at the University of Milan-Bicocca in September 2018.

The School will be focused on the manifold questions of collective identities and nationalism, seen both as producing forms of solidarity based on group identification, but also as legitimizing violence through dynamics of inclusion/exclusion.

Contemporary politics continues to be shaped by the practices of ‘bordering, ordering, and othering’ inherent in the process of nation-state building. While this poses a great challenge to the project of a post-national Europe, one should not forget that the dramatic conflicts that marked the ‘short twentieth century’ were justified precisely on these grounds.

What is the legacy of these experiences? What lessons can be learned? How can the European Union respond to the ongoing radicalization of new forms of fascism and right-wing movements within the European public space?

Participation in the fifth edition of the Summer School will be free of any charge for citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo and Albania. All other participants will pay a tuition fee of EUR 250,00;

Travel and accommodation: Participants are expected to cover their travel and accommodation expenses by themselves.

Program Coordinator: Prof. TATJANA SEKULIĆ
Location: Milan

Requeired Documents to be uploaded in the application form:
CV, ID card or passport/ motivation letter

Target Audience
The School is open to European and International MA and PhD students, post-docs and researchers. MA and PhD students from the University of Sarajevo, the University of East Sarajevo, and the University of Milan-Bicocca are particularly welcome to apply.

For further information, Contact:

More informations

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